News, Activities, & Resources
Don’t Be Tardy—The Parent ‘Circle Up’ Series
The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative started a new series of parent education sessions, introducing the restorative circle practice to parents in the community. The Let's Circle Up! series provides a safe space for parents to share, learn and grow...
Show Up Stand Out this Summer!
The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative’s Stand Up Stand Out (SUSO) program will offer direct onsite student summer programming at Ida B Wells Middle School and Barnard Elementary School. Each site will focus on educational and social topics that are...
Thank you, Karen, for Your Faithful & Diligent Service to our Community.
A very special thank you and sincere debt of gratitude goes to our GAFSC CEO/Founder, Karen Feinstein, who in 1994 recognized the need and opportunity to establish Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative in Ward 4. For 24 years she provided steadfast and...
Make Mental Health and Well-being for All a Global Priority
The World Health Organization has declared this year’s theme for World Mental Health Day, “Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority”. Far too often, the norm of society is to place more attention on physical health, despite the countless number...
The Discovering Me Scholarship Essay Contest
Each year Esther Productions, Inc. presents cash prizes for the best essay written by teen girls, ages 13 through 18, who are facing the challenge of father absence.What’s your story? Using between 750-1,500 words, tell us how you have handled growing up without...