Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC) was formed in 1998 to respond to the needs of at-risk families and children in Northwest DC. With support from the D.C. child welfare agency, then under receivership, GAFSC engaged residents, conducted needs assessments and developed a governance body in the target areas. In 2002, the Collaborative became a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. GAFSC is one of five Healthy Families Thriving Communities (HFTC) Collaboratives in the District of Columbia. Although these nonprofit organizations focus primarily on their communities and therefore are Ward-based, we work collectively to plan programs and services, advocate for low-income families, and implement and maintain common practice standards.

Message From the CEO

Debra Gittens, Chief Executive Officer
Georgia Avenue Family Support Services

As we embark on this new year, I begin with reflection and gratitude. As CEO of the Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC), I am immensely grateful for the continued opportunity to serve others. GAFSC has been honored to provide needed programs and services to individuals, families, children, and youth in Washington, DC
for twenty-five (25) years. On January 4, 2025, I began my 10th year with GAFSC, from Deputy Director to Chief Operating Officer and now as Chief Executive Officer. At the pinnacle of these roles is my dedication and commitment to the value of SERVANT LEADERSHIP.

Thankfully, our organization has continued to expand its focus and reach toward the achievement of an even greater impact with the same goal at our forefront, “Helping those who need help the most.” In this new year, we will launch and operate the Ward 4 Brightwood Family Success Center (BFSC), one of 11 Family Success Centers in the District of Columbia. Throughout the District, Family Success Centers play a crucial role in the comprehensive support system envisioned by “Keeping DC Families Together,” by offering primary prevention services and community-driven resources, empowering families, and integrating programs/services to build on family strengths. Our aim is for BFSC to be recognized as a viable and responsive Ward 4 community-based resource, with a unique approach to promoting resident and family well-being and improving community safety. In concert with this, the Brightwood Family Success Center will maintain a multi-cultural, family-friendly, and community response-driven environment.

Recently, I listened intently as Pastor Tony Lowden, President Jimmy Carter’s Pastor shared four important questions President Carter would ask him:

  • Where have you been?
  • What have you done?
  • Who have you helped?
  • How can I help you help them?

As I reflected on the meaning of each, I challenged myself to be asked these same questions as the leader of GAFSC. I do this knowing the answers and results cannot be achieved alone. My responsibility and quest are to inspire, collaborate, support, develop, and partner with others earnestly and honestly as we strive to make a
difference together. This brings me to gratitude.

I am truly blessed with a wonderful GAFSC staff who despite often challenging and difficult jobs, come to work daily with the earnest intention of helping others. My Board of Directors aspires to provide the oversight and stewardship necessary to help me lead GAFSC to success. My Collaborative Partners have been at the forefront of our work
together for 30 years advancing healthy families and thriving communities in DC. Our funders continue to support and invest in our efforts to provide meaningful services and programming. And, finally, our donors enable us to fulfill our mission and vision. My gratitude to ALL is boundless and immeasurable. I pledge to always strive to be worthy.


Our Mission. Our Purpose.

The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC) mission is to support children, youth and families to become healthy, empowered and connected in a multi-cultural community. We envision a diverse community where individuals and families prosper, are invested, are self-reliant and live safe and healthy lives. 

Our direct work with families focuses on building protective factors in parents and children, and our community capacity building work increases the skills, knowledge and advocacy ability of residents and partners and strengthens the safety net. This dual approach contributes to family wellbeing that can be sustained over time with minimal dependence on formal service providers.  All our programs are focused on better outcomes for youth and their families.

Open Streets Georgia Avenue: A Day of Community and Connection

The streets of Georgia Avenue were alive with energy on Saturday, October 7, 2023, as the much-anticipated Open Streets Georgia Avenue event took place. Despite the morning rain and afternoon sunshine playing their unpredictable game, the event was a resounding...

Don’t Be Tardy—The Parent ‘Circle Up’ Series

The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative started a new series of parent education sessions, introducing the restorative circle practice to parents in the community. The Let's Circle Up! series provides a safe space for parents to share, learn and grow...

Show Up Stand Out this Summer!

The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative’s Stand Up Stand Out (SUSO) program will offer direct onsite student summer programming at Ida B Wells Middle School and Barnard Elementary School.  Each site will focus on educational and social topics that are geared...

Thank you, Karen, for Your Faithful & Diligent Service to our Community.

A very special thank you and sincere debt of gratitude goes to our GAFSC CEO/Founder, Karen Feinstein, who in 1994 recognized the need and opportunity to establish Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative in Ward 4.  For 24 years she  provided steadfast and...

The Discovering Me Scholarship Essay Contest

Each year Esther Productions, Inc. presents cash prizes for the best essay written by teen girls, ages 13 through 18, who are facing the challenge of father absence.What’s your story? Using between 750-1,500 words, tell us how you have handled growing up without your...

GAFSC CEO Karen Feinstein Announces Her Retirement

From the Desk of Dexter L. Pearson, Board Chair On behalf of the Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC) Board of Directors, I announce the retirement of Karen Feinstein, LICSW, from the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GAFSC, effective...

The Family Services Program

The Family Services Program provides community-based child welfare services that use the Protective Factors Framework and Motivational Interviewing to strengthen families. Services in this program include family support, case management, information and referral,...

Naloxone (Narcan) Distribution

Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC) has been certified to manage and operate an Opioid Overdose Prevention Program through a Standing Order signed by Dr. Nancy Black, Interim Chief Medical Officer, Department of Behavioral Health (DBH).  This standing...

Upcoming Events

The Georgia Avenue Family Support Collaborative (GAFSC) is actively engaged within our local community as well as in the District at large, providing support to those in need and participating in events that encourage community involvement and growth.

See a quick view of upcoming events in our area that you might be interested in participating in and be sure to check out the Community Events section of our site for even more event details and information. We look forward to meeting you there!

There are no upcoming events at this time.